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I. Mission and Values
As a global collective, The Folklore Theatre Company (FTC) re-imagines folklore and history through experimental theatre, illuminating liminal spaces between perceptible and unseen worlds, and weaving diverse cultural narratives into a shared human tapestry.
We are committed to radical universality, equitable treatment, environmental sustainability, and ethical business practices in alignment with Folklore LLC, our shepherding organization in good standing.
II. Inclusion and Representation
FTC Diversity and Inclusion Statement
The FTC is committed to respecting and welcoming all people. We most emphatically reject discrimination on any basis and actively work towards mutual understanding, respect, and positive engagement; with true interest and value in the uniqueness of every individual.
We work to promote inclusivity and understanding, and our organization actively and critically examines our practices in recognition of the interconnectedness of our evolving world.
Hence, The FTC does not discriminate against any person or group of people in our hiring/employment/volunteering practices or in the administration of programs and services on the basis of any group characteristic, including those prohibited by law, such as ethnicity or national origin, skin tone, sexual orientation or gender identity, religious affiliation, disability or other prohibited category.
The FTC strives for diverse representation and parity across gender, ethnicity, age, physical ability, self-identity, and other identities in all creative and business functions.
Harassment, discrimination, or exclusionary behaviors against protected groups will not be tolerated at any level of the organization.
The following are examples of behaviors that could be considered harassment, discrimination, or exclusionary behaviors:
Making offensive or derogatory remarks about someone’s race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or other protected characteristics.
Creating a hostile work environment by making threats, intimidation, or bullying.
Refusing to provide reasonable accommodations to someone with a disability.
Excluding someone from meetings or social events because of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or other protected characteristic.
Spreading rumors or gossip about someone that is harmful or defamatory.
Touching someone without their consent.
III. Development and Compensation
Unless otherwise contracted, i.e., in an honorarium or volunteer agreement, all collaborators will receive fair compensation and credit for their contributions.
We commit to prioritizing the extension of fair living wages and ethical treatment for all global production partners and staff as soon as we have built a stable financial base for the organization.
We actively develop opportunities for emerging voices through mentorships, workshops, and production roles.
IV. Programming and Audiences
Programming gives voice to diverse populations, including marginalized groups, and develops new perspectives through both original and reimagined works.
Audio performances and access will be made economically accessible through online streaming.
We minimize environmental impact with technical operations and digital distribution.
Occasional streamed discussions with creatives and guests will provide interactive engagement with supporters to benefit The FTC.
V. Leadership and Accountability
The FTC follows a collaborative leadership model with creative input from all stakeholders.
Bylaws and policies are re-evaluated annually with input from the full team.
Anti-bias and harassment prevention training will be undertaken bi-annually.
Anonymous reporting of any ethical concerns and transparent investigation is encouraged.
VI. Communication and Transparency
The FTC will strive to be as transparent as possible with its employees, volunteers, and the public. This includes providing clear and accurate information about the organization’s mission, values, policies, and operations.
The FTC will create a culture of open communication where everyone feels comfortable sharing their ideas and concerns. This includes providing opportunities for employees, volunteers, and the public to provide feedback and ask questions.
The FTC will use technology to facilitate communication and collaboration. This includes using online tools and platforms to share information, collaborate on projects, and provide feedback.
VII. Fostering Communication Safety
The FTC will create a safe space for communication where everyone feels respected and valued. This includes prohibiting harassment, discrimination, and other forms of abuse. All grievances will be handled with utmost priority and confidentiality by the Artistic Director and Company Manager.
The FTC will provide training on communication safety for all employees, volunteers, and the public. This training will cover topics such as active listening, conflict resolution, and bystander intervention.
The organization will have a clear process for reporting and investigating incidents of harassment, discrimination, and other forms of abuse. Any questions or concerns can be directed to HenryAllen@FolkloreTheatre.Company or Sarah@FolkloreTheatre.Company
VIII. Professional Expectations
The FTC is committed to creating a professional and respectful work environment where everyone feels valued and respected. We expect all employees, volunteers, and partners to act as ambassadors for the organization at all times. This includes:
Being respectful and sensitive of others, regardless of their culture, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or other protected characteristics.
Communicating clearly and concisely.
Meeting deadlines and commitments.
Being accountable for your words and actions.
Maintaining confidentiality.
Acting in a way that reflects the organization's values.
Memorizing the mission statement.
IX. Miscellaneous
These bylaws and policies may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the full board.
The FTC reserves the right to change or modify these bylaws and policies at any time.
Any changes or modifications will be effective immediately upon posting on the organization’s website, www.Folklore.World